
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - D3C English

    At MEDMUN’s United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) committee, our mission is crystal clear—to ignite compelling conversations and weave groundbreaking solutions for the pressing challenges confronting refugees and asylum seekers. Delegates of the UNHCR engage in productive discussions and contribute to the development of innovative solutions, utilizing the three-day conference to its fullest potential.

  • Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) - D3C English

    For those intrigued by the imperative of safeguarding identities and minority rights in North Africa, and those committed to ensuring stable transitions and security in the post-Arab Spring Middle East and North Africa, we invite you to immerse yourself in the distinguished Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) at MEDMUN.

  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC) - D3C English

    War, Security, armed conflicts. Delegate, if the previous words captured your attention, then look no further than the UNSC! The Security Council is one of the most powerful and significant organs in the United Nations. Its primary responsibility, under the United Nations Charter, is to maintain international peace and security. MEDMUN's Security Council committee operates as a dynamic committee for intense debates and negotiations with delegates assuming the roles of various member states, embodying their respective policies and perspectives, while engaging in the art of compromise and consensus-building. This committee convenes to address critical global issues, including the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict, as well as the militancy and armed insurgency in Sudan.

  • UN Women - D3C French

    Que vous ayez consacré de nombreuses années à la défense des droits des femmes ou que vous débutiez tout juste votre engagement, le comité UN Women l’idéal pour vous. Il vous offre l'opportunité de plonger dans la lutte en faveur des femmes à l'échelle mondiale, tout en remettant en question et en développant votre propre conscience des enjeux cruciaux.

  • Programme des Nation Unies pour l'Environnement (PNUMA) - D3C French

    Vous avez chacun d’une façon ou d’une autre ressenti les effets de la crise climatique que nous traversons. Vous lisez ce texte, donc vous vous intéressez à la politique internationale. Notre comité n’attend que vous pour débattre de ces sujets si pressants et coopérer pour y trouver des solutions créatives. En effet, malgré son acronyme peu connu, le Comité PNUMA (Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement) joue un rôle essentiel dans la recherche de solutions durables et globales pour les défis cruciaux auxquels sont confrontés de nos jours tous les pays du globe.

  • Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme (CEDH) - French courts

    Plongez au cœur d'un dossier qui a profondément marqué l'Europe : l'affaire de l'expulsion de Melilla. Découvrez comment deux ressortissants d'Afrique de l'Ouest ont tenté d'escalader les clôtures de l'enclave espagnole de Melilla en août 2014, pour être ensuite expulsés vers le Maroc. Participez à une exploration exigeante au sein de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, où les enjeux sont cruciaux, impliquant des accusations d'expulsion collective et de violations des droits de l'homme.

  • Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) - English court

    14 February 2005, 12:55, Rue Minet el Hos’n, Beirut. An unidentified suicide bomber detonated a car bomb equivalent to 2500 to 3000 kilograms of TNT in Beirut's city center. The former Lebanese Prime Minister and electoral candidate, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by this terrorist attack, twenty-one others were killed, and another 226 people were injured.

    Following the demand from the Lebanese government, the UN established in 2007 the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) to investigate the crime, a tribunal of international character blending elements of both Lebanese and international law.

    International arrest warrants were issued by the STL against the four Accused, including Salim Ayyash, a member of Hezbollah who was indicted in the assassination of the Prime Minister.

    The STL's investigations and indictments have been highly controversial and have had significant political implications in Lebanon. Would you be able to surpass these difficulties and establish the true responsibility for this terrorist act ?

  • Dünya Ticaret Örgütü (DTÖ) - Turkish committee

    The Turkish states who have been a part of Eurasian trade seem infinite. Seljuks, Uighurs, Karakhanids, Sogdians, Nomads, Ottomans, the list never ends. The fluctuating and increasingly globalizing game of trade for Türkiye has been nothing new but an enchanting and complex process starting from the 12th century. With the Silk Road emerging from China, the Incense Trade Route from the Arabian Peninsula and the Amber Road from the Baltics, Türkiye’s geopolitical characteristics have always led it to be in the center of global trade.

  • Conferenza delle parti (COP) - Italian committee

    Il Mar Mediterraneo, un palcoscenico di conflitti e sfide energetiche, si estende su 9 milioni di chilometri quadrati. Mentre i paesi della regione affrontano una crescente domanda energetica a causa della crescita demografica, sorge la domanda cruciale: quale strada prendere per garantire la stabilità energetica? Nucleare, idrocarburi o energie rinnovabili?

  • Union for the Mediterranean - Arabic committee

    Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey as we set our sights on the captivating sphere of the Union for the Mediterranean. Imagine a magnificent tapestry of history, heritage, and diversity woven across the sun-kissed landscapes of this ancient sea, where civilizations have intertwined for millennia. The Union for the Mediterranean, a visionary platform, allows us to explore the boundless opportunities for collaboration, prosperity, and regional peace that lie within our grasp. Here, within this committee, we have the power to rekindle the Mediterranean's age-old allure and reforge its destiny.

  • Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Cultura, las Ciencias y la Educación (UNESCO) Topics - Spanish committee

    La lengua y el patrimonio son elementos no sólo intrínsecamente ligados a nuestra identidad, sino también aquello que nos permite conectarnos con nuestra humanidad. Por eso, con el aumento de la polarización y las profundas divisiones culturales a lo largo del siglo XXI, ahora más que nunca debemos cuestionarnos la forma en la que protegemos nuestro pasado frente a los problemas de nuestro presente. Según un estudio realizado por la Universidad Nacional de Australia, la diversidad lingüística está cada vez más amenazada: de las 7.000 lenguas reconocidas, 6.000 de las cuales son indígenas, cerca de la mitad están actualmente en peligro de extinción y 1.500 en riesgo extremo. Por otra parte, al considerar sucesos como los ocurridos en Afganistán y Siria, donde sitios de importancia cultural han sido saqueados o destruidos a consecuencia de conflictos militares, debemos cuestionarnos si de verdad hay suficientes salvaguardias para proteger sitios de patrimonio histórico.

  • International Press Forum Committee - Press committee

    The International Press Forum is a unique committee which differs from traditional MUN committees, as members do not represent countries but a global press organization. This innovative approach allows delegates to write about topics they are interested in by taking a journalistic, sometimes provocative, stance on global issues. IPF members are tasked with producing one article per day about a committee’s ceremony from the perspective of their assigned news outlet. They act as reporters on the move, attending various committees, observing ceremonies, and taking notes on the unfolding events to provide an insightful and unique perspective on the activities within the MEDMUN conference.

  • Anthrax: Militarization or Mediation - Crisis committee

    10 years after the Covid-19 pandemic, a meticulously altered strain of Anthrax is on the loose. This strain has been found in 6 random parks and malls all over the world. Over the course of a month, anthrax spores have affected every person in the area, and to this date, over 1 million people have died. The evidence of artificial influence on the anthrax virus and the purposeful intention behind the attack indicates that someone, whether it be a person, organization, or nation, has weaponized anthrax to wipe out populations. After the latest attack in Johannesburg two days ago, the United Nations received a note under an alias stating, “As of now, we are at war and no one is safe.”. Only two questions remain: who and why? Countries will have to band together to achieve both personal and collective goals: how to keep their country safe from further attacks, who is behind these attacks, how do we avoid turning against each other, and when all this is over, how to use this time of crisis to rise above the others?

  • English Crisis: The Great Discovery - Crisis committee

    With increased metallurgical abilities, the Inca Empire consolidates its forces to form a centralized group of powers: the Pueblo Civilization, the Mississippian civilization, the Aztec Empire, and the Maya civilization. Setting out on a spiritual quest, the American powers land in Gibraltar in 1450. With the Kingdom of Castile seeking to expand Christian rule into the Iberian Peninsula and the Ottoman Empire looking towards Constantinople, tensions reach a boiling point. Will the American powers and the remainder of Afro-Eurasia reach a concrete agreement despite varying political and cultural interests?

  • Crise Algéro-Française - Rive Sud

    L’extrême droite a pris le pouvoir en France et a dans sa ligne de mire l'Algérie et ses ressortissants passant moult lois à leurs encontre. En Algérie et plus largement dans les ex-colonies françaises la colère gronde, les manifestations éclatent. Face à un occident affaibli, des états-unis isolationnistes, et l’idéologie montante qu’une vengeance contre la France est nécessaire, comment l'Algérie et ses alliés vont réagir. Allons-nous assister à un retour de bâton et à une « France Algérienne » ou l’Europe saura-t-elle contrer ces plans expansionnistes ?

  • Ad Hoc committee

    The Ad Hoc Committee is an unusual, thrilling and lively format of Model UN, where the topic is not disclosed until the beginning of the conference. As a member, you will have the opportunity to embody a character (inspired by a real political figure or a fictitious one) that is significantly involved in the dynamics of the conflict, and you will thus have to think on your feet and adapt to the changing tides of the crises that develop. Cooperatively (or not), you will work with other delegates to brainstorm out-of-the-ordinary solutions to the variety of problems at hand. The Ad Hoc Committee is for those who strive to push themselves and experience MEDMUN at its finest (and funniest). Are you ready to be thrown into the middle of a nuanced, and ever-evolving, political conflict? If yes, we welcome you with open arms to MEDMUN’s 2024 Ad Hoc Committee!

  • Ligue Arabe

    Postulez pour la Ligue Arabe, comité phare de MEDMUN! Vous donnerez des réponses concrètes et prendrez des mesures sur des questions d’actualité géopolitique cruciales quant à la stabilité de la région. Cet équilibre de paix est aujourd’hui menacé par une recrudescence de la radicalisation des régimes de la région MENA qui se conjugue à de nombreux putschs militaires en Afrique en seulement quelques mois. Les délégués devront prendre le point de vue des pays de la Ligue Arabe pour analyser comment ces deux phénomènes convergent pour consolider l'implantation, le développement et la banalisation du terrorisme en Afrique du Nord et trouver des solutions stratégiques consolidant leur action sur la région MENA tout en approfondissant leur compréhension des dynamiques politiques, sociales et économiques qui façonnent le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord pour promouvoir la stabilité et la prospérité dans la région.

  • English Crisis: Anthrax - Doves

    10 years after the Covid-19 pandemic, a meticulously altered strain of Anthrax is on the loose. This strain has been found in 6 random parks and malls all over the world. Over the course of a month, anthrax spores have affected every person in the area, and to this date, over 1 million people have died. The evidence of artificial influence on the anthrax virus and the purposeful intention behind the attack indicates that someone, whether it be a person, organization, or nation, has weaponized anthrax to wipe out populations. After the latest attack in Johannesburg two days ago, the United Nations received a note under an alias stating, “As of now, we are at war and no one is safe.”. Only two questions remain: who and why? Countries will have to band together to achieve both personal and collective goals: how to keep their country safe from further attacks, who is behind these attacks, how do we avoid turning against each other, and when all this is over, how to use this time of crisis to rise above the others?

  • English Crisis: The Great Discovery - The Afro-Eurasia

    With increased metallurgical abilities, the Inca Empire consolidates its forces to form a centralized group of powers: the Pueblo Civilization, the Mississippian civilization, the Aztec Empire, and the Maya civilization. Setting out on a spiritual quest, the American powers land in Gibraltar in 1450. With the Kingdom of Castile seeking to expand Christian rule into the Iberian Peninsula and the Ottoman Empire looking towards Constantinople, tensions reach a boiling point. Will the American powers and the remainder of Afro-Eurasia reach a concrete agreement despite varying political and cultural interests?

  • Crise Algéro-Française - Rive nord

    L’extrême droite a pris le pouvoir en France et a dans sa ligne mire l'Algérie et ses ressortissants passant moult lois à leurs encontre. En Algérie et plus largement dans les ex-colonies français la colère gronde, les manifestations éclatent. Face à un occident affaibli, des états-unis isolationnistes, et l’idéologie montante qu’une vengeance contre la France est nécessaire, comment l'Algérie et ses alliés vont réagir. Allons-nous assister à un retour de bâton et à une « France Algérienne » ou l’Europe saura-t-elle contrer ces plans expansionnistes ?